Cross Country Score Sheets - inc. sheets for start, finish, vet check and XC controller
Form 06: Medical Provider Pre-Event Checklist & Service Agreement
This document outlines the agreed services to be provided by a Medical Service Provider and is to be agreed and approved by the Event Organising Committee (OC). All sections of this agreement are to be completed prior to the commencement of any endorsed Equestrian Australia event.
Form 07: Medical Service Provider Pre-Event Audit
This document is to be completed by any Medical Service Provider engaged for any endorsed EA event. Part A: Accompanies Form 06 and is to be completed PRIOR to the day of the event. All relevant sections of this agreement are to be completed by the MSP prior to the commencement of any endorsed Equestrian Australia event. -
FEI Fall Report Form 2019 - Word doc
Blank IRP 211024 .docx - blank Word doc
EA Warning Card - PDF
FEI Yellow Warning Card - PDF
Protest Form (coming soon)
Event Schedule to submit for the Eventing Calendar (online form)
Event Information Form - to be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event
Rider Rep Nomination Form - to be submitted as early as possible before the event