NEWS > General
Posted by Corinne Wilson on 19/10/2020.


As advised yesterday, this afternoon, Equestrian Victoria, along with other State Sporting Organisations, participated in a COVID briefing with representatives of the Victorian Government, including DHHS and SRV. As a result of this briefing, we, along with our colleagues at Pony Club Victoria, HRCAV, RDA Victoria and the Victorian Polo Association, provide the following update:


1. Can I travel to care for my horse?

Advice for owners, leasers or carers of horses not housed at their place of residence (agisted horses)

  • If you live in Melbourne, you can leave home to care for your horse(s), if it is necessary to do so, and you are not able to make alternative arrangements.
  • This includes travelling more than 25km from home or leaving Melbourne for this purpose.
  • Be mindful that you may be required to provide evidence for your reason to travel as police are conducting spot checks. A letter from the owner of the property where your horse is kept advising that you are wholly or partially responsible for its care will generally be acceptable.
  • If you need to leave home to tend to your horse(s), the restrictions travel with you and so you need to follow the same rules as if you were at home.

2. Does caring for my horse include exercising?
Advice for owners, leasers or carers of horses not housed at their place of residence (agisted horses)

  • You may exercise/ride your horse on animal welfare grounds. This allowance covers boxed horses, horses in yards or small paddocks, horses requiring remedial exercise under vet advice or horses which are likely to experience health issues if not exercised (eg: obesity or founder). If you are unsure consult your vet for formal advice.
  • Where you are required to travel outside the 25km radius from home or over the metro Melbourne border, you should attend to the care of the horse in a timely manner.
  • Exercise the horse on the property where the horse is kept.
  • Where this is not possible due to safety or animal welfare concerns, you may exercise the horse locally at an outdoor situation where use of facilities is not required.
  • You may float your horse to a third-party location as long as it does not involve travelling more than 25km from your home.
  • Where you agist at a private facility you must abide by their rules as they have obligations to ensure the health and safety of all persons on their property.

3. What if my horse is housed at my place of residence?

  • You may ride your horse at home.
  • You may ride your horse for recreation off property as long as you stay within a 25km radius of your home or place of work and facilities are not required.
  • You may float your horse to ride at an outdoor setting within a 25km radius, including travel, which does not require the use of communal facilities. You may ride off property with up to 10 people from a maximum of 2 households or more than 10 if all from the same household.
  • You may not cross the Melbourne Metro / Regional Victoria border.

4. Outdoor recreational riding
Advice for all riders.

  • Recreational horse riding is permitted within 25 kms of your place of residence (or workplace) with up to 10 people from a maximum of 2 households or more than 10 if all from the same household.
  • You may ride your agisted horse on the property where it is kept if you reside within 25km. The facility must have a COVIDSafe Plan in place. All social distancing and hygiene directives set by the government or property owner are to be followed. No sharing of equipment.
  • You may ride your agisted horse off property at locations which do not require use of facilities such as clubrooms. You may float your horse off property to ride, within a 25km radius, including travel.
  • You may not ride outside the 25km limit.
  • You may not cross the Melbourne Metro / Regional Victoria border for recreational riding.

5. Club grounds/equestrian facilities

  • Locked grounds may reopen for recreational riding.
  • A COVIDSafe Plan must be implemented including a booking system.
  • Facilities (except toilets) must remain closed.
  • Groups of up to 10 people from two households may use the grounds. More than one group of 10 may use the grounds provided the groups do not mix and social distancing is maintained.
  • You may not cross the Melbourne Metro / Regional Victoria border to access grounds.
  • No organised community sport activities such as rallies or competitions may be held.

5. Coaching
We are currently seeking clarification on coaching activities and will communicate once we have a response from government.


  • There are no changes to Regional Victoria, which remains at the current Third Step.
  • Indoor facilities remain closed.
  • Travel between restricted zones (regional to metro or metro to regional) also prohibited


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