Show Horse Monthly Update - April 2022
The EV Show Horse committee met on April 26 and is pleased to submit the following summary of business.
Firstly, we would like to thank Peter Heagney our outgoing chair for the tireless work has done over the past 3 years in the role, despite the challenges COVID threw at us for the majority of this time Peter led the committee to deliver for our members. He has certainly left large shoes to fill. We also acknowledge the loss of Helen Heagney from the committee following her resignation in March as you know Helen was on the committee for 8 years and was a driving force behind many of our competitions and activities, which includes 5 years as the Director of Barastoc. I’m sure you will all join me in thanking Peter & Helen for their hard work and dedication to EV Show Horse.
Planning in well under way for our judges’ seminar to be conducted in person July at Werribee Park.
Further information and booking applications will be announced shortly.
Judges are reminded that they must attend a seminar at least every two years to retain accreditation.
Being our first face to face seminar in two years we are looking forward to seeing all judges and any aspiring judges on this day.
Show horse clinics will be conducted at Werribee Park on Saturday 25th June, Saturday 23rd July and Saturday 20th August.
Applications for positions for the June clinic will be invited in late May.
We are in the process of finalising dates & locations – more information coming soon.
The committee are in the process of reviewing the criteria for Owner Rider classes to ensure these events are for those they are intended for.
We are pleased to advise that all 12 swabs taken at Barastoc have returned negative results.
Please note we now have an EV Show Horse Grouop, make sure you join the Group to stay abreast of the latest news.
The committee would like to congratulate all our members who recently competed at the ENSW GT PerformerSouthern Cross Show and Sydney Royal Easter show in NSW. Noting many major awards were gained by Victorians. Congratulations to all involved.
It’s now time to have a mini break before preparations begin for the next show season.
In closing your committee is here to represent you the members, we welcome any constructive input or ideas you may have. Our next meeting is scheduled for mid May.
Warm regards
Fiona McIntyre