NEWS > Show Horse
Posted by Corinne Wilson on 21/09/2020.

Show Horse September Report

EV Show Horse is pleased to report on the meeting conducted remotely on the evening of Tuesday 15th September.

Unfortunately at this time, there has only been limited relaxation of restrictions to enable us to conduct any events. However the easing of some restrictions in regional areas has given us the opportunity to explore some activities, in particular clinics as mentioned in this report.

Suggestions of alternate dates on which to conduct the Nationals have been submitted to the EASHC who will meet shortly. From this we hope to be able to convey some assurity to you when the 2020 Nationals will be held.

We are confident by our next report we will be able to announce dates for this major event.

Plans continue to proceed for Barastoc to be conducted in February as scheduled even if the structure may need to be altered to adhere to Govt restrictions.

We are very aware of competitors concerns about the uncertainty of the event going ahead and this is completely understandable.

Unfortunately, we are totally beholding to whatever the Government dictates regarding holding sporting events and whilst we will be making every endeavour to ensure the event takes place, we are unable to give surety at this time.

However I can confirm that EV is currently compiling a ‘return to play’ document to ensure that we will have protocols in place ready for the reintroduction of competitions.

Interstate and local judges have been invited subject to border restrictions being relaxed.

Although we are still unable to conduct measuring at this time, when we are able, we will be conducting as many measuring days as are required to assist our members.

We can advise that we have been fortunate to engage two additional measurers who will assist in the expected heavy demand when measuring recommences.

This show remains on our calendar and will do so until we have further guidance as to the ability to conduct it or otherwise.

Show horse finalists have been completed and are about to be released for publication.

Your committee agreed that to remove the subjectiveness of these awards as they are currently structured and in keeping with all other discipline awards, in future a points system will be introduced to achieve the results.

Details of the structure and how points will be allocated will be announced shortly.

I would ask all show horse participants to vote for show horse nominees in categories which are open to public voting . I’m sure you will agree it is in our interests for there to be good support for our show horse fraternity.

In particular, we seek your support and vote for THE NATIONALS in the Event Of The Year category.

Thank you to those people who responded to the request for additions to the Judges panel. A number of new judges have been enlisted as well as some being upgraded to National level.

Your committee is currently compiling a list of potential judges to be approached and  those people will be encouraged to consider joining our panel.

We have also requested a revision of the current judging application scheme by the EASHC and hope to be able report on that shortly.

Due to the relaxation of travel arrangements in regional areas, we are currently planning at least one clinic in a regional area and will advise you of these details when confirmed.

A zoom discussion and judging session has been organised for the evening of Thursday 8th October.

Kim Durante, Michael Christie, Ava Halloran and Margot Haynes have agreed to join us for a chat session to discuss their involvement in showing, their background in horses and their opinions on a selection of ponies and  horses from a judge’s perspective.

The event is anticipated to run for approximately one hour in a relaxed but informative setting which should prove entertaining and educational.

The latter part of the evening will be centred on these successful riders assessing horses displayed on the screen and giving opinions on the judging criteria.

Details on how to join the zoom discussion will be advised shortly.

One lucky viewer, by random draw,  will also win two tickets to the EGO Nationals There will also be the opportunity for viewers to text questions to our panel.

Keep an eye on EV Show Horse Facebook page and EV Show Horse web page for details.

Hopefully we are getting closer to the show horse activities for which we are all craving.

In the meantime, keep well, stay safe and polish those boots for when we are ‘released’.

Peter Heagney
Chair - EV Show Horse

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