Useful Resources for Clubs and Competitions
- COVIDSafe Plans
Information needed to create a COVIDSafe Plan and submit it to EV - Visual Guides
- COVIDSafe Workplace: Community Sport Visual Guide
- COVIDSafe Workplace: Physical Recreation - Public Events Framework - Coronavirus website
- Risk Based Approach to Workplace Close Contacts
- Government provided Community Sport and Recreation Guidance for COVIDSafe Plans
- International Vaccinations - Information regarding International Visitors
- Register your business, club or event for a Services Victoria QR Code
Display Posters & Templates
The Victorian Government has provided a range of posters for you to display, along with some useful templates and advice when dealing with cutomers. These posters will be familiar to anyone coming to your event as they are utilised throughout the community and are designed to make it easier to operate and advertise that your event is running with COVIDSafe settings.
The links below will take you directly to the resources available on the Coronavirus Website:
Useful Resources for All
What to do if you test positive to COVID-19 or if you've been told you are a contact
Coronavirus Website (Victorian Government)
Got a question?
We will try to answer questions as best we can, or point you in the right direction.
[email protected]