Show Horse Committee March 2022 Report
The EV Show Horse committee met on March 1 and March 22 and is pleased to submit the following summary of business.
The March 1st meeting was principally a debrief of Barastoc and to finalise details for the Nationals.
The committee were pleased with the overall conduct of Barastoc although it was noted that former director Helen Heagney’s absence left a void in some areas. Several suggestions for ongoing improvements to our major event were tabled and will be addressed.
Measuring at Barastoc
200+ horses were measured over the 5 measuring sessions.
Unfortunately a number of competitors seemed unaware or chose to ignore the necessity to book a time slot for measuring.
The committee is aware of the importance of having a smooth measuring process and modifications are currently being investigated. We are very appreciative of the tolerance and co-operation of our measurers.
Plans were finalised and volunteer positions confirmed. We were also able to confirm live streaming of all 4 days via Horse And Country at a very moderate cost to subscribers.
Meeting of 22 March.
Unfortunately we received the resignation of Helen Heagney after 8 years on the committee, 5 of these as director of Barastoc.
Helen’s contribution and dedication was acknowledged and appreciation expressed.
Despite some concerns and negativity about the different format for the combined 2020/2021 Nationals, general consensus seemed that this was one of the most successful conducted.
Blessed with generally good weather, the 2 outdoor arenas operated very well and the set up and design by director Sue McKay received much positive feedback.
The event was well supported by an excellent volunteer force whose contribution was greatly appreciated.
The Riders Meeting conducted on the Saturday evening was attended by approximately 40 competitors . Items submitted for the agenda included
(a) Changes to the age restrictions of the Child’s classes.
(b) A proposal to ensure that the current Owner Rider classes are retained as originally intended. A performance based criteria was presented to replace the current ‘ amateur’ or ‘ owner ruling’ ruling.
Both proposals were to be referred back to state committees with results to be reported to the next EANSH meeting.
Victorian EANSH representative Lorri Mansell presented a paper on “How to become a Show Horse judge” which is hoped will streamline and simplify the current requirements.
This is my last report as EV Show Horse Chair as my resignation was submitted at this meeting.
I thank you for the opportunity to represent you as chair of our organisation.
Despite 2 years of my 3 year term being disrupted by COVID, I have enjoyed my tenure and hope that some satisfactory outcomes were achieved.
I am pleased to report that Fiona McIntyre has been appointed as Chair of Show Horse (subject to EV aboard approval) and I wish Fiona every success. I trust that you will continue to support her in her role.
Goodbye, good riding and remember, this is a sport and recreation, ensure you enjoy it.
Kind regards
Peter Heagney