NEWS > Show Horse
Posted by Corinne Wilson on 16/03/2020.

Barastoc Horse Of The Year 2020 - Note from Show Horse Victoria Chair

On behalf of the committee of Barastoc Horse Of The Year I would like to thank those who contributed to the success of yet another wonderful Barastoc.

Firstly to the competitors who really make our show, thank you for your participation and we trust you enjoyed your time whether successful or not. To those riders who did enjoy success, congratulations, I’m sure your awards were well deserved.

It may be a hackneyed expression that no show can run without sponsors, volunteers and judges, but for organisers of an event the size of Barastoc, I can assure you there is no truer statement.

We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful team of volunteers, many who have been returning for a number of years. The committee is very mindful of your input and I can assure you, greatly appreciated.

To our sponsors, thank you for your contribution to our show which enables us to continue to present Barastoc to the standard of which we expect.

A big thank you to our judges, many of whom travelled long distances to officiate.

We hope you enjoyed your time with us and we appreciate having your expertise and knowledge.

Although we finished on a windy day, overall we were fortunate that the weather was on our side. I’m sure that assisted in contributing to another successful Barastoc with excellent competitions and quality horses and riders.

On a negative note, it is disappointing that we still have some competitors expecting us to break rules for their benefit. These rules are put in place for a purpose and have been compiled for the benefit of the event over many years’ experience. Many of the rules are those of Equestrian Australia National Rules as well as those pertaining to Barastoc itself.

Equally disturbing is the fact that it was necessary to fine two competitors for falsifying performances.

Also disappointing to the committee is that someone saw fit to demolish a hired toilet!!

However, fortunately the pluses by far out weigh the negatives and so again, thank you for contributing to another wonderful “BARASTOC”.

Peter Heagney
Show Horse Victoria Chair.

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