Show Horse Committee Report December 2020
EV Show Horse committee was pleased to be able to meet together for the first time for many months at Werribee Park for their meeting on Wednesday 16th December.
Following is the report of that meeting.
We were pleased to welcome Lea Vasilopoulos to the committee following her appointment being ratified by the EV Board. Welcome Lea and we look forward to your input and involvement in our committee.
2022 - 2024 NATIONALS
As you would be aware, tenders were recently invited for the conduct of the 2022 - 2024 Nationals. The EANSC met remotely on Tuesday to consider the tenders received from VIctoria and NSW. Victoria firstly presented a very professional tender document and then had the opportunity to speak to the tender through our National delegate Lorri Mansell. Despite Victoria offering a profit share incentive to the participating states, the tender was awarded to NSW.
I would like to acknowledge the support from our CEO, the Board and the work done by Lorri Mansell and Sue McKay as well as your full committee in supporting our tender. Whilst disappointed for Victoria, we are resolved to ensure that the 2021 event at Werribee Park (see below) will be one to remember.
Further, we are committed to conducting major events in Victoria and we will shortly commence planning a suitable show to replace the Nationals.
Let’s make the 2021 Nationals the best we have held!
2020/2021 NATIONALS
The EASHC also resolved the format for the conduct of the 2020/2021 Nationals in Victoria. Victoria had previously submitted a proposal for our preferred structure of this event, being mindful that we wanted to ensure that everyone who had qualified for the cancelled 2020 event had the opportunity to represent their state at the 2021 event.
However the EANSC confirmed that the 2020/2021 Nationals will be conducted as one event with both year’s qualifiers being combined into one major show. This will of course, require a considerable adjustment to the existing rules and conditions and these are to be formulated by the EASHC, not the host state Victoria.
The EASHC has indicated these amended rules will be clarified by February 2021.
We were delighted to receive the largest number of entries for our prestigious show since 2014. Thank you to all the competitors who are supporting Barastoc and we look forward to another super show. The large number of entries received may require some adjustments to the usual timetable, however this will be conveyed to you in early January.
Again we thank all our wonderful sponsors and partners who enable us to produce such a great event.
After only being able to conduct one clinic in 2020, plans are in place for these clinics to be conducted as usual during the winter months of 2021. The Young Ambassador finalists have expressed interest in being involved in organising young rider clinics and this will be be pursued with representatives from that group.
The pre-booked allocated time system for measuring has been hugely popular and has worked efficiently for the measuring which took place on 7th November, and 10th and 12th December.
Further measuring will take place at the Summer Show on Saturday 9th January and at Barastoc on Thursday 11th, Friday 12th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th February. Please check the EV website and Nominate for times and booking openings. Bookings will continue to be made via Nominate.
Those requiring horses to be measured are reminded that all horses must be presented with bits in their mouths. Owners must also have a previous measuring form with them or if being measured for the first time, an EV registration.
The schedule for the 2 day Summer Show on 9th and 10th January is currently available and entries may be lodged with Nominate.
PLEASE NOTE. Entries close at 5pm on Tuesday 5th January. Due to the closeness of the closing date of entries to the show, NO late entries will be accepted.
Saturday 9th will involve 2 EV rings and 4 breed/society rings, Sunday 10th will host 2 EV rings and 11 breed society rings.
Each state committee has been asked to review the pathways for judges accreditation to ensure the requirements are appropriate and relevant for show horse judges. Your committee has already made recommendations in that regard and will continue to review to encourage simplification of the procedures.
As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank the committee for their dedication and support for what has been a trying year for us all. Despite the absence of events for many months, there have been numerous consequential decisions the committee has had to make and the involvement and input required has been time consuming and arduous.
Your committee are all volunteers and are there to represent you as competitor members. We are always receptive to constructive suggestions and welcome your input at any time. The events we conduct rely heavily on volunteers, particularly major events such as Barastoc and the Nationals which require a large workforce.
We would appreciate offers of assistance to any event, no matter how small or in what capacity your offer may be.
In the meantime before we see you at our forthcoming events, I would like to wish everyone a Happy, Safe and Joyful Christmas and look forward to seeing you in a brighter 2021.
Merry Christmas
Peter Heagney – Chair EV Showhorse