Show Horse Committee Report - March
Your committee conducted a debrief of Barastoc HOTY on Wednesday 24th February. As we are all very aware, COVID lockdown severely disrupted the conduct of our flagship event and it was with much relief that we were able to complete the show on the following weekend.
The Barastoc committee were extremely thankful and appreciative of the people who came forward to enable this to occur including judges, stewards, marshalls, caterers and all volunteers.
The committee reviewed the overall conduct of the show and suggestions for next year to improve the event for competitors were proposed.
These included dividing both the Owner Rider Hack and the OTT Ridden Hack in to two height divisions as these classes had the largest number of entries for the show.
It was proposed that Fashions On The Field be incorporated into the OTT led classes.
We will also consider enlarging the rings if the area available allows us to do so.
We were also aware of clashes with the ridden and led classes and although timetabling is difficult, we will endeavour to avoid this if possible.
The committee also met on Tuesday 16th March.
We were pleased to welcome EV Chair Michelle Heagney, EV Vice Chair Peter Lee and EV CEO Matthew Brown to our meeting and we are appreciative of their time to join us.
We are sorry to advise that Jodie Van Breugel has resigned from the committee for personal and business reasons. Jodie has been an excellent contributor to the committee and whilst we are sorry she is leaving we wish her well in her future. Jodie has indicated that she will continue to volunteer when available.
I am also pleased to advise that Ronnie Graham has been appointed as a co-opted committee member to fill that vacancy.
Many will remember Ronnie as a winner of the EV Volunteer of the Year Award and has been a wonderful support to many of our events.
Ronnie brings to the committee a wealth of organisational skills as long term President of Truganina Pony Club as well as conducting his own successful business.
Ronnie will be welcomed as an independent non competitor to our committee.
National Showhorse and Rider Championships.
This event will held as a combined 2020/2021 show with competitors qualified for both 2020( when the event was cancelled) and 2021 competing together.
Dates are yet to be confirmed, however they will be approximately 1 - 5 December.
The EA National committee has drafted amended rules required to conduct the combined event which are subject to EA Board approval. These will be communicated to you as soon as possible.
Rider clinics have been scheduled for;
- 27 June
- 17 July
- 22 August
Further details will be advised closer to the clinic date, as will the venues for all clinics.
Judges Seminar
The date for the Judges Seminar will be advised as soon as a venue can be confirmed. It is likely the date will be either 25 July or 1 August.
OTT HOTY and EV Show Horse of the Year Awards
Your committee has allocated the points system for these prestigious awards which is considered more transparent than the previous subjective voting process. Please find the allocation attached.
Spring Show
The committee agreed to again conduct a Spring Show subject to a date being available which did not clash with an agricultural show.
We wish all members competing at the Southern Stars or Sydney Royal Show the best of luck, we are sure you will do Victoria proud!
Peter Heagney
Chair EV Showhorse