Show Horse Committee Report for April 2021
We were pleased to welcome our new committeeman Ronnie Graham to our meeting and we look forward to the many skill sets that Ronnie brings to our committee.
Unfortunately we also reported the resignation of Nicole Riemer due to personal and business commitments. Nicole was thanked for her contribution to the committee and we wish her well in the future.
The rules for the conduct of this 2020/2021 combined event have now been finalised by the EANSC and will be announced within the forthcoming days.
Plans are already underway although as I’m sure members will appreciate, until we can confirm how many horses and riders will be eligible to compete from the two years of state finals, it is difficult for us to formulate a timetable at this time.
This committee considers it will be necessary to extend the event to accommodate the additional entries to 4 days.
The dates will therefore be Wednesday 1 December to Saturday 4 December.
A working party was appointed by the EANSHC to review the current criteria for judges to be accredited. As has previously been reported, our committee considered the current requirements cumbersome and a deterrent to potential judges.
Your representative to the EANSHC, Lorri Mansell has collaborated with other national committee members to present a simpler, more practical pathway and this is now awaiting endorsement by EA before implementation.
A judges seminar will be conducted on Sunday 4 July at Cornwall Park Stud, Comaidai Road, Toolern Vale. This excellent venue has kindly been donated to us by Lisa Gordon and offers all facilities required for our seminar.
Further information and booking applications will be announced shortly.
After an absence of a seminar in 2020, I sincerely hope all judges and any aspiring judges will join us on this day.
Judges are reminded that they must attend a seminar at least every two years to retain accreditation.
Measuring days have been scheduled for June 26th and August 22nd. The August date will be a combined day with SHCV and RAS, hence offering those competing at Melbourne Show and requiring measuring, an opportunity to be measured before the show.
Bookings via Nominate will be announced prior to the measuring days.
Please be alert to announcements on the EV measuring site to book your time slot.
Showhorse clinics will be conducted at Werribee Park on Saturday 26th June, Saturday 17th July and Sunday 22nd August.
Applications for positions for the June clinic will be invited in late May.
Exciting news for Owner/ Riders!!!
Plans are underway to conduct an OWNER/RIDER FEATURE show on Sunday 31st October. A vast array of classes will be conducted to cater for all owner/riders and we look forward to bringing more details to you in the near future.
Mark this new date in your calendar
We are pleased to advise that all swabs taken at Barastoc have returned negative results.
As always, your committee welcomes constructive input from members that can further enhance our sport. Similarly, if you feel you have the time, knowledge and passion to join our committee, we look forward to hearing from you.
I would also like to congratulate our members who represented Victoria so successfully at the recently conducted ENSW Southern Cross Show and Sydney Royal Easter show in NSW.
Victorians gained many major awards and we are all proud of their achievements.
It is now time to relax a little while most shows are in recess, enjoy the break from showing before preparation for the Spring Shows begin.
Kind regards
Peter Heagney - Chair EV Show Horse