Show Horse Committee Report - May 2021
The EV Showhorse Committee is pleased to report on the meeting conducted at Werribee Park on Tuesday 18th May. We were pleased to welcome Christie Freeman, Chair of EV who joined us to gain insight to the functions of the Showhorse Committee.
Clinics will be conducted on 26th June, 17th July and 22nd August.
We are pleased to report that the 26th June clinic filled expediently. Instructors for this clinic are Holly Cutler and Samantha Bartlett
Applications for the July clinic will open mid June
Applications for the Measuring Day on 26th June will open via Nominate on 1st June.
The August 22nd measuring day is likely to be very popular as it is combined with SHCV and RAS. We encourage those requiring measuring to consider the June date to avoid congestion at the August day.
Further to our exciting news of the Owner/ Rider FeatureShow on Sunday 31st October, we can now advise that this show will also include a full range of OTT classes, kindly supported by Racing Victoria.
The OTT ring is an open ring, not just for Owner/Riders.
This section will include classes for thoroughbred horses ranging from horses competing at their first show to open hack and hunter classes.
The OTT classes will be qualifiers for the OTT classes at the Nationals.
The Owner/Rider classes will be qualifiers for the Owner/ Rider classes at the Southern Cross Spectacular.
The Judges Seminar will be conducted on Sunday 4th July, open to all interested parties, not just current judges. Cost is $15 including lunch.
Please note the change of venue - now at Inglis Sales Complex, 285 Oaklands Road, Oaklands Junction.
A knowledgeable array of presenters have been assembled and these will be advised within the next two weeks.
Bookings are essential and open with Nominate on Monday 7th June.
As previously advised this major event will be conducted on Wednesday 1st December to Saturday 4th December (subject to entry numbers received)
The amended rules required to conduct the combined 2020/2021 event have been publicised and are available on the EV Showhorse website.
Although only two State titles have been conducted ( Victoria and Tasmania), the number of additional eligible qualifiers indicate it will involve many more entries and an extensive planning and programming effort!
We are pleased to advise that Kerry Tempest-Clarke has again been appointed manager of the Victorian Team for the EA Nationals.
We thank Kerry for her agreement to do so and know that she will lead our team admirably.
Discussions with EA continue to take place to streamline and simplify the process to join the judges panel. At this time we are unable to advise of any changes, however we trust we will be able to in the near future.
I attended a planning session for the 2021 National Interschools which is to be held at Werribee Park on 19th to 23rd September. EV Showhorse has been asked for input into the showing section of this event and accordingly have agreed to do so. This Showhorse section will take place on Monday 20th September.
The Young Ambassador weekend will take place at Werribee Park on the weekend of 24th/25th July.
Showhorse will participate as usual, with two selectors and an instructor.
We are very appreciative of the services of Linden Hearn and Susan Gorst as our selectors and we thank them for their commitment.
In line with the other disciplines, the Showhorse awards will be made on a points system, removing the need for any subjectiveness or committee selection. The qualifying events and points allocation are available on the EV Showhorse page.
For the 2020/2021 year, due to the cancellation of a number of major events, there are a limited number of qualifying events. Hopefully that will not be the case in future.
As we are aware, the announcement of results at a major show where 3 judges officiate scoring manually, can be a drawn out and time consuming process.
Dressage judging is successfully transitioning to electronic scoring (via iPad) which gives instant results.
Consequently this committee has asked for electronic scoring to be an agenda item and considered at the next EASC meeting in June.
Any change to manual scoring may necessitate a change to the existing rules.
We look forward to seeing you at the Judges Seminar or one of the Showhorse rider clinics.
Peter Heagney - Chair
EV Show Horse