Show Horse Committee August Report
The EV Show Horse committee is pleased to report on the remotely conducted meeting of 24th August.
Needless to say, discussion regarding the conduct of the 2020/21 Nationals was a priority at this meeting.
Despite many obstacles to being able to proceed with this major event, members can be assured that this committee is investigating every possible scenario to enable us to run the event.
Our own Govt restrictions plus other state border restrictions are presenting consequential problems for us to overcome. However we are pursuing all viable options available and will update you on progress as soon as we are able.
Currently the status quo in December remains.
Whilst a delayed date has been a consideration, the availability of a venue is proving problematic. With every equestrian organisation desperately seeking to conduct events as soon as possible, bookings at Werribee Park are at a premium through to May.
The final decision regarding the conduct of the Nationals will be made by the EASHC and we await their direction.
New committee member Annie Williams has agreed to join the National OC.
Plans are proceeding for Barastoc. The schedule is finalised and judging appointments will be confirmed by early September.
25th and 26th September. Arrangements are firmly in place for these shows to proceed if Govt regulations allow us to do so.
The schedule has been released and entries will open on Friday 10th September and close at 5.00pm Friday 17th September.
This weekend will be conducted as two separate shows allowing competitors the opportunity to gain two separate qualifications.
As well as being a qualification for the Southern Cross Spectacular, this weekend will also be qualifying events for the EV Horse and Rider of the Year Awards.
As it was necessary to cancel the August measuring day, if the Werribee and Wyndham shows are able to proceed, we will request EV conduct measuring in conjunction with these shows. Details to follow.
Unfortunately the selections for these awards have had to be postponed again and will now be completed online.
Following the resignation of Jacques Manuel from Equestrian Victoria, the ‘backbone’ of our discipline, Deena Peters has agreed to extend her working hours which will ensure Show Horse continues to be well serviced.
Your committee is eagerly looking forward to being able to conduct events for our members as soon as we are able. We are as keen to do so as you are to compete.
Keep that schooling up at home and when we can have a show, we will see some super performances by many well educated horses!
Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Peter Heagney
Chair EV Show Horse