- The right to use EA rules and regulations and appoint EA-accredited Officials for events.
- The use of the EV logo and name when advertising events
- Promotion on the EV website & EV newsletter
- Access to manuals and other reference material that will help them run their club and their event.
- Can purchase a range of club insurance packages negotiated for the whole Federation.
- They are covered by the Member Protection policy and other relevant policies of EA.
- You should not confuse EA Affiliated Clubs with EA Insured Clubs - these are two different things. Just because a club is EA Affiliated it may not be EA Insured and vice versa.
- Official Competitions - EV affiliated events provide grading points to horses. A competition may be run for both grading and non-grading competitors, encouraging more entries. All Jumping events that are conducted in accordance with EA rules and held in Victoria will count for grading points.
- Disciplinary - Affiliated clubs may report breeches of EA Rules, and EA will investigate such complaints.
- Medication Control of Horses: Equestrian Victoria abides by the Equestrian Australia Medication Control Policy (1 January 2018). Equestrian Victoria expects that Affiliates of EV would conduct their shows under these policies.
Note: Equestrian Victoria may choose to test horses at any event, but testing will not take place without the consent of the Organising Committee of the show/event. Shows/events that charge competitors a “swabbing levy” must organise through Equestrian Victoria to have an accredited Horse Swabbing Steward attend their show and use the income generated by the levy for this purpose. On application, there may at times be provision for some costs to be covered by Equestrian Victoria. All show / event schedules should include the following wording: Medication Control of horses may take place in accordance with the Equestrian Australia Equestrian Australia Medication Control Policy (1 January 2018).