Do I have to supply 5 names to register a horse?
Yes, you must submit 5 names in order of your preference. Application forms without the required amount of names will be returned.
Can I register my horse online or print the forms?
All the information you need can be found here: Click here for full details
Can you check a horse's name over the phone for me?
Yes, we can run a quick check on a name, however as the database is used Nationally, we cannot guarantee that this name will be available after more extensive checking when the application is received in the office. Please ensure you still forward the required 5 names in order of your preference.
How do I register a lease for an EA registered horse?
Firstly ensure both owners and person about to lease the horse are current members of EA. Complete the required form and post into the office with the Certificate of Registration along with any cards. You can download the form here - We also recommend you have a legal lease agreement drawn up between both parties - refer
My horse is Victorian and I want to lease it to another State, how ?
The procedure is the same as above. As the horse is Victorian, EV will process the lease. Once we have processed the work, you the owner will receive the original horse registration certificate back along with a copy of the Lease notification and the Lessee will receive a copy also. - We also recommend you have a legal lease agreement drawn up between both parties - refer
Does my horse have to be microchipped?
As at 1 June 2011 - All new (first time) registered horses MUST be microchipped
What is the stallion owners code of conduct?
Click here for full details
How do we microchip a horse, where does the chip go?
You can have your vet implant one of his or her own microchips, or you can purchase a chip upon registration of the horse and have your vet use this chip. The microchip goes into the horse's neck. Once the microchip has been inserted the Vet must sign the registration form to confirm.
How Do I Change My Horse's Name?
First, you must be a current member. Then forward all cards and the Original certificate of registration to the EV office & application form. Please supply 5 names in order of your preference.