NEWS > General
Posted by Corinne Wilson on 18/08/2020.

Comprehensive Stage 3 & Stage 4 Covid-19 Advice as at 18 August

Please note that Equestrian Victoria (EV) is not an expert on pandemics and as such all Victorian Government and Department of Health and Human Services information, guidelines and directives supersede this information.

We acknowledge and thank Sport & Recreation Victoria (SRV) for their support in developing this plan and in representing the equestrian community to various Victorian Government agencies. We also acknowledge and thank Equestrian Sports NZ for their permission to adapt their Covid-19 Alert Plan for Victoria.

This document may change as the government response to the Covid-19 situation evolves. The most up to date information will be available on the Equestrian Victoria website, distributed through our Social Media channels, and direct communications to members and agistment centres registered with Equestrian Victoria. We will monitor the government restriction levels as we move between different stages, and if there is more flexibility for equestrian activities, we will update these recommendations in line with government advice.

All of the Victorian equestrian community should be aware of and consider their own situations at any given time and apply common sense. The Victorian Government has released Stage Restrictions which may vary for different parts of the state.


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