NEWS > General
Posted by Corinne Wilson on 05/09/2021.

Release - 6 September 2021

News release to membership from the Equestrian Victoria Board

Dear Equestrian Victoria Members

We write to advise you that CEO, Matthew Brown, has resigned from his position with Equestrian Victoria effective Friday 10th September 2021.

Matthew joined the organisation almost four years ago and has been instrumental in bringing about organizational change through strategic, data led decision making.  Matthew’s contributions have led to significant membership growth, a stronger financial base with improved processes for the sport, and improved partner and sponsor relations.

Under Matthew's leadership Equestrian Victoria has become an important source of information for our members, with enhanced service delivery across membership services and marketing communications.  We would like to make particular mention of his excellent leadership as we have, and continue, to navigate the challenges presented by the global pandemic.

As a Board, we thank Matthew for all he has given to the equestrian community in Victoria and wish him the very best for his future.

The Board will now turn our attention to recruiting a new CEO and in the meantime will be supporting the EV team and our committees to continue to work for you, our members.

Christie Freeman

Letter to members from CEO

Dear Equestrian Victoria Members

It is bittersweet that I write to you to advise you of my resignation as CEO of Equestrian Victoria, effective Friday 10th September 2021.

As I reflect on my time with EV, I am filled with joy and hope for the future of equestrian sport in Victoria, and for the achievements that the team and I have made over the past four and a half years.

Since joining Equestrian Victoria in 2018, I am extremely proud that my team and I have created a more stable and  stronger foundation for the sport moving forward.  I leave knowing that since 2018 EV has benefited from:

  • 8.5% membership growth
  • 377% increase in financial stability for the organisation, with improved financial transparency and processes, including reinvesting specific surpluses back into sports from whence they came
  • Ongoing negotiations with government around capital works for the redevelopment of Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre
  • Secured government funding of$1.25M (approx.) in the sport by various government departments
  • Strategic and data led decision making, based around the member-informed Strategic Plan 2018-2023
  • new staffing structure that better supports the sport and aligns with the strategic plan
  • A ‘whole of sport’ approach to Marketing Communications and Business Partnerships, increasing engagement, improving communication channels, increasing sponsorship income and contributing to a more positive online culture
  • Several major projects including membership analysis; strategic reviews of Interschool Sport and Jumping; initial governance reform; and policy development including a profit-share approach to ensure event surpluses are invested back into the disciplines in which they were generated
  • Developed Performance Pathway Plans for EV’s Olympic disciplines of Eventing, Jumping and Dressage 
  • Committed strategic and operational leadership, especially as we navigated the onset of the global pandemic and managed the ongoing challenges

There was great value in the Membership Survey that we conducted in 2020, where you were given the opportunity to share your experiences and connection to EV, providing data that helped to inform our decision making moving forward.  I hope that this type of collaborative approach to sports delivery continues into the future and that your voice continues to be at the forefront of driving decisions.

The Equestrian Victoria staff are as committed as anyone I’ve met in the sport.  It has been a privilege serving them as their leader and I will certainly miss working alongside these wonderful people.

I wish each of you every success as you continue on your journey to living your equestrian dream, whatever that may be for you.

I am sure the Board will provide some further clarification around who will be your key contact in at the office moving forward.

Matthew Brown


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