Show Horse Committee Report July 2021
The EV Show Horse committee met remotely on Tuesday 20th July and is pleased to submit the following summary of business.
We were pleased to welcome Annie Williams as our new committee member to her first committee meeting.
The committee met on Wednesday 14th July specifically to progress details of both Barastoc 2022 and the 2021 Nationals. The full committee were asked for input into discussions, however any decisions where conflict existed were referred to the separate Barastoc and National committees.
In order to accommodate the additional classes at Barastoc, the timetable has been adjusted as under; Friday 4th February. Newcomers, Childs Title classes, Peter Gahan Trophy. Saturday 5th February. Owner Rider classes, Show Hunter Title classes, Led classes, OTT Led, OTT Show Hunters. Sunday 5th February. Show Hack Title classes, Rider Title classes, OTT Hacks.
Extra classes have been added to the Owner Rider and OTT sections.
Several new innovations are planned for the Nationals which, subject to Govt regulations, promises to be the largest event yet conducted. The Victorian Team Management is already fine tuning our team, endeavouring to confirm the qualified horses and riders from both the 2020 and 2021 events who intend to compete at the Nationals.The conduct of this event will present major challenges for the small organising committee and will require strong volunteer support.
If you are able to offer your services for all or part of the Nationals, we would appreciate hearing from you.
We are currently investigating Live Streaming for all days of the Nationals.
Unfortunately the clinic scheduled for 17th July was cancelled due to Covid regulations.
The August 22nd clinic is planned to proceed and it is proposed to have 3 instructors for that day. Bookings will open via Nominate on 1 August.
Bookings for the measuring at Werribee Park on 22nd August will open on 3rd August via Nominate.
The schedule for the Owner Rider Feature Show and the OTT Show on Sunday 31st October has been finalised and will be available shortly.
Unfortunately this weekend has had to be postponed and will now be conducted on one day on 15th August.
This gala dinner has also been postponed, now to be held at the Sofitel Melbourne on Saturday 4th September.
There is still an opportunity to book for this important function where our most successful competitors and deserving officials are recognised.
It is extremely disappointing that the Show Horse community did not support the enormous challenge the Barastoc committee experienced to ensure the event continued during the Covid lockdown this year. The apparent apathy by members to vote for Barastoc to be considered for the Event of the Year was disheartening to your hard working volunteer committee.
Similarly the lack of support for Show Horse’s nomination for the Volunteer of the Year Award was equally regrettable.
Your committee unanimously agreed to lobby strongly against the introduction of the proposed rule to ban the removal of sensory hair off the face of showhorses.
Accordingly this has been done and a request has been conveyed to the EA Board to conduct more due diligent before endeavouring to implement the rule. We have also expressed our stance to the EASH chair.
Peter Heagney
Chair EV Show Horse