Show Horse Committee Report - October 2021
The EV Show Horse committee met remotely on Tuesday 19th October and is pleased to submit a summary of business conducted.
We are still negotiating with an organisation which had booked the indoor arena at Werribee Park for the planned weekend of the Nationals viz 10th - 13th March 2022.
Werribee Park management is working on our behalf to enable us to run indoors, however if that is not possible we will conduct the event on the General Purpose arena outdoors.
The show WILL go on regardless!
The schedule is nearing competition and will be available shortly.
The schedule for this 2 day show has been released for the OTT show and the Owner Rider show on Saturday 4th December and the open December show on Sunday 5th December.
Entries open on 3rd November and close at 5.00pm on 24th November.
As the rules and conditions vary for each of these three shows, please ensure you are familiar with those rules when entering.
Measuring will take place at WP on the evening of Friday 3rd December 5 - 7 pm and Saturday 4th December 7.30 - 10.30am for horses competing at the show.
Measuring will then resume at 12noon for other EV registered horses and SHCV members.
OTT horses competing at the show which are not EV registered will be issued with a day measurement.
Bookings open via Nominate from November 22nd
There have been several changes to the staff structure within the EV office and these can be viewed on the EV website.
The EV AGM will be conducted via zoom on 16th November
Discipline committee bylaws require a general meeting of disciplines to be conducted annually.
We therefore advise that the Show horse GM will be conducted via zoom on Friday 12th November at 7.30pm Any business which a member desires to bring before the meeting must be submitted in writing to the committee at least seven days prior to the meeting.
Only business that is set out in the notice convening the meeting shall be transacted at the meeting.
All members were recently advised of the most recent Govt requirements regarding vaccination for coaches, volunteers and workers involved in community sport and physical recreation (refer EV website 15 October 21). At this time we are awaiting directions regarding the requirements for competitors and will advise you as soon as received.
We remind you that bookings may still be made for this prestigious night at the Sofitel on Friday 18th December.
In recognition of performances and contributions above expectations at Barastoc Horse Of The Year, the Showhorse committee intends to create an annual award for horses/riders and contributors ( volunteers, organisers, administrators etc) The trophy presentation will be made during the Barastoc HOY and a profile of recipients will be included in the Barastoc program.
For the first three years, two horses or riders and two contributors will be inducted, thereafter one of each category will be included each year.
Voting for the awards will be by the Show horse committee with any issues of conflict to be adjudicated upon by the EV Chair.
We look forward to seeing you at Werribee on 4th and 5th December with hope of some continuity of shows thereafter.
Peter Heagney
Chair EV Show Horse.