Membership Matters - Base Horse Registration
Equestrian Victoria is pleased to announce a significant reduction in the cost of Base Horse registration from $70 to $25. We have streamlined our internal processes, making administration more efficient which allows us to pass on the savings to our members. We have also simplified the requir Base Horse Registration-June2023.pdfements for Base Horse Registration, making it more affordable and manageable for riders. By registering horses with EV/EA, riders can help authorities track horses for biosecurity purposes and quickly contain any outbreaks, protecting all horses more effectively.
Starting July 1st, Base Horse Registration will be mandatory for all jumping classes, including those under 1.05m. While members jumping under 1.05m will not require a jumping license, they will need to ensure their horses have Base Horse Registration.
To register a horse for Base Horse Registration, riders must provide three images of their horse: nearside, offside, and front. You do not need to provide drawings of markings on the Base Horse registration. These changes will be reflected in the online registration process through Nominate. We are also developing a new manual form to simplify registration for those without online access.
Equestrian Victoria has made this step to minimise the cost impact for our members.
All Horse Registrations can be done online via the MyEa Portal.