Strategic Plan

The EV Board has recently undertaken mid-plan review of our strategy with a focus on elevating organisational performance and contribution to the sport’s growth. Central to this has been understanding the services our members expect and need and ensuring our strategic focus of the organisation and its resources are aligned.

A focus for the organisation moving forward will be greater engagement and consultation with our most important stakeholders, our members, so that we can create more value for the sport and the broader industry.

The updated Equestrian Victoria Strategic Plan (2018 – 2023) continues to be based on the four strategic pillars of: Industry Leadership, Sport Development, Facility Oversight and Organisational Excellence, but with refined strategies and actions informed by organisational review, including member feedback.

It is our expectation that the refined plan will enable EV to position the organisation well into the future using our values as our cultural compass for the way we operate and the standards of behaviour we expect of our Board, staff, volunteers and representatives and we encourage you, the membership to come on this journey with us.

The refreshed EV Strategic Plan 2018-2023 can be downloaded via the link below.


Summary - EV Board& SDC Forum September 2020